Place the ad space below the header (part 1)


Many of my friends on the KR blog asking how do I go for for advertising space under the header. This tips I got from imoel , but the result is less krna I srek maak Code CSSnya change slightly. See images that we will create:

Ok read the instructions below:

1. Log in blogger, click the layout, edit html
2. search code ]]></b:skin>

3. If you've met copy the code below just above the code:

#yusron-ads {


padding: 5px;

text-align: center;

width : 960px;


#yusron-ads img {

margin: 7px 4px 4px 0px;
padding: 3px;
width : 100px;
height : 100px;
text-align: center;
border:3px outset #c0c0c0


#yusron-ads img:hover {

margin: 7px 4px 4px 0px;

padding: 3px;

text-align: center;
border:3px inset #333
4. If you have the code search

<div id='main-wrapper'>
5. Kopy code below just above the code above:

<div id='yusron-ads'>

<a hight='100' href='' target='_blank' width='100'><img alt='ads' border='0' src=''/></a>

<a hight='100' href='' target='_blank' width='100'><img alt='ads' border='0' src=''/></a>

<a hight='100' href='' target='_blank' width='100'><img alt='ads' border='0' src=''/></a>

<a hight='100' href='' target='_blank' width='100'><img alt='ads' border='0' src=''/></a>

<a hight='100' href='' target='_blank' width='100'><img alt='ads' border='0' src=''/></a>

<a hight='100' href='' target='_blank' width='100'><img alt='ads' border='0' src=''/></a>

<a hight='100' href='' target='_blank' width='100'><img alt='ads' border='0' src=''/></a>

6. Replace code green with your link URL, and gantu code yellow with the image URL you

7. Save the template ...

8. View results


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