Create Ad Space Version 2


Surely my friends a little confused why I returned this postingin. It's in my post because of the way to make space in the sidebar ads look less neat.

See picture below:

compare this one:

the latter's neat. I adopted from woodmag template code.

Just my little fox CSSnya code.


1. Log in blogger.
2. Click on the layout, edit html search code ]]></ b: skin>
3. If you've met kopy under the code where the code above

/* yusron 125x125 */
#yusron {
overflow: hidden;
.yusron1, .yusron3, .yusron5 {
float: left;
margin-bottom: 5px;
.yusron2, .yusron4, .yusron6 {
float: right;
margin-bottom: 5px;

4. Save the template.
5. Back to the layout.
6. Element to the page.
7. Add Gadget and HTML / JavaScript
8. This code copies Inside
<b:includable id="main">
<div id="yusron">

<!-- yusron1 start -->
<a class="yusron1" href=""><img width="125" src="" height="125"/></a>

<!-- yusron2 start -->
<a class="yusron2" href=""><img width="125" src="" height="125"/></a>

<!-- yusron3 start -->
<a class="yusron3" href=""><img width="125" src="" height="125"/></a>

<!-- yusron4 start -->
<a class="yusron4" href=""><img width="125" src="" height="125"/></a>

<!-- yusron5 start -->
<a class="yusron5" href=""><img width="125" src="" height="125"/></a>

<!-- yusron6 start -->
<a class="yusron6" href=""><img width="125" src="" height="125"/></a>

<div class="clearer"/>

9. Change the address of links and images as needed.
10. Save the template.


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